Business Valuation
Realise your business’s true value
There are many reasons for valuing a business including buying or selling a business, selling or transferring shares, setting up an employee share scheme, tax, considering a market listing, breach of contract or a cessation in trading, shareholder disputes, or death or divorce.
The valuation of unquoted shares and private businesses presents unique challenges, but our tried and trusted techniques will provide you with a true, fair, well-informed and defensible commercial valuation. Our team has experience of valuing private companies of all types and sizes across a wide range of sectors. We provide valuation services in relation to acquisitions, disposals, mergers, disputes and restructuring.
We also assist with financial reporting matters, impairment testing and the valuation of financial instruments such as share options. Our clients include Attorneys, Accountants, Financial Advisors, Lenders, Investors, Corporate Executives and Business Owners. We partner with them by supporting their aspirations and contributing to their success.
Our industry research shows that businesses which achieve the highest possible valuations have worked closely with their advisers in advance of their sale, proactively optimising their enterprise value.
What we do:
Determining the correct valuation range dependent upon your scenario;
Preparing a valuation report in a range of formats suitable for your needs;
Act in an independent expert capacity in shareholder disputes or in a matrimonial or divorce situation;
If our valuation is significantly lower than yours, we shall design a strategy that helps you get your business to the value you want to sell at.
To speak with a valuation expert, please contact us.